Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dr. Appointments

Well not much has changed for my children as far as dr. check-ups go! Both children checked out fine, Brooklynn further along motor-skills wise then her age and she handled her shot like a piece of cake!
Brooklynn weighed 25 something pounds and don't remember the height
As for Beau will our little stumpy was 38.5 pounds and a hair over 3 feet!
Translation...... 95% in weight btwn 25-50% in height!!! God love his little body:) I wouldn't have it any other way...
We got the whole take his height and double it and use that as a marker for his height give or take an inch... so there is hope because that would mean he'd be 6 feet like his daddy!! Beau lucked out because the office was out of the shot he was supposed to get so that'll happen sometime in June...
I just thank the Lord for very Healthy children and that other than routine check-ups and shot we don't have to visit that place!!

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