Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beau's JPS Graduation

Today my baby boy who I feel as if just yesterday I brought home from the hospital graduated from Journey Preschool. It was a very bittersweet day for me. I am very proud of the boy Beau is growing up to be yet so sad it's all going so fast and that he has completed a milestone in his life! Beau has been going to JPS since he was 18 mos. old and I will REALLY miss taking him there next year! His graduation today was wonderful and he did a GREAT job. Beau's first teacher at JPS, Yesenia happened to be his teacher this last year too so that was really neat for him! Next year Beau will be going to St. Albans to have Mrs. Marjorie as a teacher. I have had my eye on this teacher since my nephew Caden Burns had her several years ago and I am cannot wait for my son to experience school with her! The excitement of today got to all of us so the kids and I each enjoyed a 4 hour nap - woke up and went to a nice dinner at Lone Star where we celebrated with Shirley Temples and a Jennifer Hood cookie cake!!! Tonight Beau is watching the 2 hour special Dukes of Hazzard that his daddy recorded the other night and he is LOVING it:) I cannot express the grateful heart I have to God for entrusting Levi and I with such a sweet and loving boy. He is rocks our world and we are blessed!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Milestone Week at the Burns House

After two and a half weeks of sickness in our house spread between all four of us things seem to be looking up this week! Not only are we healthy BUT both of my kids have hit a milestone:) ( in my eyes at least) My son who has been attached to a binky since day 1 has FINALLY given it up! This past Friday Lolly took both Beau and Pike to the ranch. I decided to make choose, either stay home and keep his binky or no more binkies-be a big boy-and go to the ranch with primo! Well he chose to go to the ranch. Lolly said he did just fine without it and here we are on Day 6 and still no binky. Two things I have noticed since giving up the binky. 1. Beau is not throwing his little fits (for the binky) it has been so nice. He knows he isn't going to get comfort from the binky so why throw a fit?!? Second, his lisp is disappearing. Today we were talking about his birthday and I asked to tell me when his was and he said 25th CLEAR as day when typical the TH part would have had an S in it!!! I was so excited I made him repeat it a few times!
Now for Brooklynn she is on DAY 3 of NO DIAPERS! Yesterday was her first day at school with no diaper and she had a minor accident, and today being day #2 she had NO accident:) So excited and proud of her! The no diaper is not just during the day, she is in big girl panties (hello kitty of course) 24 hours a day!!! and NO accidents in bed during the night or naptime. Since switching her to underwear she her naps have stretched to 3+ hours and at night gone from 11-12 hrs. to at least 13 hours! It's been great! Not sure if it will stay like this forever but I'm enjoying it nonetheless!!!
I'm praying we continue to progress with these milestone and they stick so that way we can move to sisterbaby not having a binky!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where Does Time Go?!?

It has been so long since I have spent time checking in on everyone's blogs and writing my own! I began blogging because it's therapy to me to just sit down and type, then I thought it would be great to have one because I could keep up with what my family is doing thru the months!!! Well I have totally lost that battle but am hoping to get back in the groove of things.
It is now mid-February and I can't believe it! I know that before I can blink again I will have a 3 & 4 year old:( Speaking of.....
Beau is absolutely amazing!!! He is such a kind hearted and loving little man! He is currently having a blast by recognizing letters that he sees on signs that we pass when driving or picking up something around the house and telling us what they are! He loves to sing and dance but I would have to say above all and this goes for his sister as well they LOVE to play with each other! The two are inseparable and because of that it makes it a lot more easy for mommy:) It is a true blessing to get to sit back and watch the two of them love on each other! Beau's favorite thing of course is still tractors and making "roses on the floor or tracts in the dirt" He spends as much time in the barn with his daddy as possible! He loves to bake in the kitchen with mommy too!
Brooklynn is our Princess:) She has her daddy wrapped around her fingers to tight it can be pretty comical! She totally rules the roost and knows it! She LOVES to sing to Jesus and read her "Bible Stories" Dora the Explorer is hands down her favorite tv show and Hello Kitty is her favorite for everything else! She is a very bright little girl and keeps me on my toes as far as keeping her entertained! I don't have to physically be in her presence for her to enjoy things BUT I have to make sure I have activities ready for after naps etc!!!!
As for Levi and I all I can say is God is so Good and His blessings are amazing! Levi and I both committed to each other in this New Year that we would grow our relationship with our Lord and make sure He was put FIRST each day! It gives me goosebumps to see the Lord really working in Levi and seeing Him so evident in our daily lives! We serve an awesome God who loves us more than we deserve and I am in awe of Him!!! If we could get a few weeks of no rain things would be perfect for Levi and his farm! He has so much planting to get done and we just keep looking out for that bright shining SUN:) Just this week Levi purchased a new gun and the man could not be anymore excited as all the pieces come in! As you know just a plain gun isn't enough, have to have the scope, laser, silencer etc.... I am happy for Levi because other than BIG GREEN AND YELLOW OBJECTS I haven't ever seen him so excited about a toy so I hope this brings him some good fellowship with his cousin Andy and friends! Of course I'm not sure how often he'll get to sneak away without Beau attached but it's all good:)
As for me, several months ago I declared to my sister-in-law that 2010 was going to be my selfish year! Since getting married and having children I have become extremely involved in many things that was leaving no time for me and not much "enjoyed time" for my children! Time was flying by way too fast and I was beginning to get depressed on feeling stretched to thin. So my wonderful aunt Lisa sat down with me one day, asked me some HARD but TRUTHFUL questions that help me prioritize and get my life back into order. Since then I have been able to say NO to things without feeling guilty and realize when enough is enough! I have slowed down so much and I am so grateful the Lord has been so patient with me! I am now in my 6 month of working out and am beginning to dip my feet into the "eating right" phase so that my weight can hopefully begin to drop off! I have since working out lost over 14 inches and I'm only two sizes away from my goal! I work out with a trainer 3 days a week and take 3 zumba classes a week as well:) I have begun a Bible Study at the church on Sunday afternoons and doing these 3 things have been a blessing to my soul! This semester marks my last semester as coordinator for MOPS and although I love MOPS so much I am happy at the same time knowing that I will have an extra 10-15 hours back of my life on the weeks MOPS meets!!!!
Levi and I began a family tradition this Valentine's Day that we plan to continue as the children get older! We both "on our own" went out and bought the kids a Valentine Card along with a gift and then I took Beau out for dinner while Levi took Sisterbaby! I got to take Beau to Great China while Levi took Sister to Luby's. Those were the children's choices:) We then met up at the mall after dinner where Levi's surprised me and took the kids home and let me shop alone! I found two dresses and a few things for the kids so I felt super special and excited:)
Well here is my updated Blog:) Afraid to see how long it looks on the page! I hope to update each week so I can keep count of everything:)

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Children

I have been blessed recently by either being encouraged to read a specific Bible study or sent a story with Bible Verse attached that encourages being a stay at home mom. Twice this week I was completely blessed by it and reassured of what I'm doing as a stay at home mommy is right for me! I have several friends who are also stay at home moms that I thought would also be encouraged by this!
OUR LEGACY - PSALM 127 - Children are a heritage from the Lord
Quote for the study
"If we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family left behind would feel the loss for the rest of their lives. Why then do we invest so much in our work and so little in our children's lives?"
We can take time for our children and trust that the Lord will provide for all of our physical needs. Children, whether our own or those we disciple, are our lasting legacy - an investment we'll never regreat.
Although I never really had much time in my life "on my own" I have always carried a steady job since the age of 14 and made/managed my own money. When I became married and quickly got pregnant Levi and I decided I would drop the working part of my life and invest time into our children's lives! Easier said before hand! Sometimes I find myself wanting extra things to do because I don't feel like just being at home is satisfactory enough or fight the constant feeling of not accomplishing much or the just the grand thought of being a little independent! Thoughts of bringing in my own money again or just having extra cash in the pocket seem nice and FUN!
God has given me a clear vision that HOME is where I belong for now and day by day I am learning and seeing the blessings that come from it and will continue to come! Nothing is more important than the time Levi and I invest in Beau and Brooklynn's lives right now and I am grateful God has shown me this. I am also grateful that this story and verse were put in front of Levi and I to reflect on!
Blessings Everyone!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Productive Day

Today I decided to take my kids to JPS as "drop-ins" so that Veronica could do a good cleaning before Katie's Lingerie Shower Friday night. I ended up in Brownsville at Sams before 10am and that was my first time there without a child.. It was great to go up each aisle without having to say NO twenty times and I'm pretty sure I finished in record timing! Then it was back home where I planned to take a short nap before picking up the children.. BUT NO I decided to clean out the fridge, pantry, and all of the cabinets! I feel so Productive and then kids are still asleep! So not I'm treating myself to a Lifetime movie on the couch! I love how the smallest things gives me the greatest pleasure!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dr. Appointments

Well not much has changed for my children as far as dr. check-ups go! Both children checked out fine, Brooklynn further along motor-skills wise then her age and she handled her shot like a piece of cake!
Brooklynn weighed 25 something pounds and don't remember the height
As for Beau will our little stumpy was 38.5 pounds and a hair over 3 feet!
Translation...... 95% in weight btwn 25-50% in height!!! God love his little body:) I wouldn't have it any other way...
We got the whole take his height and double it and use that as a marker for his height give or take an inch... so there is hope because that would mean he'd be 6 feet like his daddy!! Beau lucked out because the office was out of the shot he was supposed to get so that'll happen sometime in June...
I just thank the Lord for very Healthy children and that other than routine check-ups and shot we don't have to visit that place!!


This afternoon both children took a nap at the same time and I was able to have about an hour to myself! I chose to go outside and layout on a towel and read my Bible Study book! I of course got distracted by all that surrounds our backyard and what is in it! One of my most favorite creatures is a lady bug! No matter what day it was or where I was as a child I could always find a lady bug and I would run it to my mama as if it were a prize! She always would ask me what it was about lady bugs that made me so drawn to them... Who knows the answers I would give her... Well guess what was crawling all around me the ENTIRE time I was outside!!! Yep a fellow lady bug:) I just started laughing... If I'm honest I will say I watched the lady bug constantly for 20-30+ minutes. It was amazing to see it go from the bottom of one piece of grass crawl to the top, go down it crawl over to the next piece of grass and repeat the process for an exhausting half hour! I was tired just watching HER:)
So I decided to sit up and began to do a little reflection... TIME was on my mind! I started to think that lady bug is ME... Rarely do ever I have a moment of NOTHING to do... The only quiet time I give myself is when I'm spending time with God, which of course is the best time EVER, but I couldn't remember the last time I just "layed down" and concentrated on nothing, or enjoyed something as simple as a lady bug. I do give myself enough credit to know that things I do that keep me busy are positive things that benefit my family or someone else. Being a mommy of two babies I have let guilt override the right to have real ME. I tell myself that time for me will come when they get older and that they are focus for now... For example, Levi and I went to Vegas in January and I was completely miserable because I felt guilty for leaving my kids and didn't enjoy much. I spent more time looking at saved photos on levi's cell then I probably did talking to Levi and thats not a joke...
Anyway, after writing this long thought I decided today that without the guilt feeling I was going to give myself an hour a week of "NOTHING TIME" I imagine most of it will just be spent thanking God for being such a blessed girl, but none the less won't worry about the kids, think of school, worry about ministries etc... just me with me!! and I am so excited about it I decided to write a novel on my blog:) ha ha