SO Brooklynn had the privilege of introducing me to the worse feeling of my life Friday afternoon. It all began in my room with Brooklynn and I playing on the floor. She had just got done crawling over me when I saw her headed over to my jewelry chest!! mind you this is the jewelry chest that has fallen over on top of Beau 3 TIMES.... it's no wonder why it hasn't been burned... Anyway, I got brooklynn's attention and told her NO NO Brooklynn you are going to hit your head... she looked at me and then turned her sweet head back and decided to go ahead and pull up on the chest anyway:( well of course she bumped her head and i had no sympathy that is until i heard this gurgling from her mouth.. so i turned around and if there wasn't an insane amount of blood gushing out of her mouth... my heart dropped and of course I went into panic mode.... the first thing I could grab was a bath towel so I tried to start wiping the blood out but she kept wiping her mouth and then eyes and so blood was just smearing everywhere. After a couple of minutes I then realized I was not helping so I ran around the house looking for a dumb phone... Called my cousin in law first because she is an RN - no answer, called levi - no answer, I then remember lolly would be dropping her sister off at her house sometime that afternoon so I thought I would give it a shot... Sure enough she had just passed stuart place road on HWY 107... So she rushed over got brooklynn and i in the car and we headed to family practice to see how bad the damage was.....
ok enough detail... and to make an 8 1/2 hour ordeal short here it is...
VBMC is HORRIBLE with communication and no one knows ANYTHING:(
Brooklynn ended up slicing open her upper left lip from the inside out and had to get 8 stitches. Of course they had to sedate my baby girl. I have never felt so helpless and like a failure in my life:( I could not believe that I was right there when all this happen and was having to wait in a waiting room while my 11 month baby girl was having surgery:(....
Three days later, we were able to get by with only have 2 stitches fall out and she has regained her appetite.
I would not be a good mom if I did not report that Brooklynn could not have been more of an angel throughout the waiting process at the doctors and hospital. she was the best baby ever and didn't whine or cry once during that period. it was unbelievable.. I of course cried the whole time and was a nervous wreck. but everything is fine now and we are praying that there will not be a big scar left on my precious baby's lip!!! Thank you to lala for being there the WHOLE time... I wouldn't of made it thru and thank you to everyone who prayed for us and our baby..
I am now praying that IF i have to go thru something like this again it doesn't happen for a VERY LONG TIME.... i've done my dues.....
here is a picture of brooklynn the day after she got stitches... smiling of course!!!