Friday, June 26, 2009

My Children

I have been blessed recently by either being encouraged to read a specific Bible study or sent a story with Bible Verse attached that encourages being a stay at home mom. Twice this week I was completely blessed by it and reassured of what I'm doing as a stay at home mommy is right for me! I have several friends who are also stay at home moms that I thought would also be encouraged by this!
OUR LEGACY - PSALM 127 - Children are a heritage from the Lord
Quote for the study
"If we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family left behind would feel the loss for the rest of their lives. Why then do we invest so much in our work and so little in our children's lives?"
We can take time for our children and trust that the Lord will provide for all of our physical needs. Children, whether our own or those we disciple, are our lasting legacy - an investment we'll never regreat.
Although I never really had much time in my life "on my own" I have always carried a steady job since the age of 14 and made/managed my own money. When I became married and quickly got pregnant Levi and I decided I would drop the working part of my life and invest time into our children's lives! Easier said before hand! Sometimes I find myself wanting extra things to do because I don't feel like just being at home is satisfactory enough or fight the constant feeling of not accomplishing much or the just the grand thought of being a little independent! Thoughts of bringing in my own money again or just having extra cash in the pocket seem nice and FUN!
God has given me a clear vision that HOME is where I belong for now and day by day I am learning and seeing the blessings that come from it and will continue to come! Nothing is more important than the time Levi and I invest in Beau and Brooklynn's lives right now and I am grateful God has shown me this. I am also grateful that this story and verse were put in front of Levi and I to reflect on!
Blessings Everyone!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Productive Day

Today I decided to take my kids to JPS as "drop-ins" so that Veronica could do a good cleaning before Katie's Lingerie Shower Friday night. I ended up in Brownsville at Sams before 10am and that was my first time there without a child.. It was great to go up each aisle without having to say NO twenty times and I'm pretty sure I finished in record timing! Then it was back home where I planned to take a short nap before picking up the children.. BUT NO I decided to clean out the fridge, pantry, and all of the cabinets! I feel so Productive and then kids are still asleep! So not I'm treating myself to a Lifetime movie on the couch! I love how the smallest things gives me the greatest pleasure!