Monday, December 15, 2008

Dr. Check up!!!

I am happy to report that after 3 weeks of fighting fever, vomiting, ear infections etc. my two kids are HEALTHY:) Oh the joy of no whining!!! Brooklynn had her 1 year check up today and got all 4 shots:( Our little girl is in the 25th percentile for height and over 75th percentile for weight.... Levi and I laughed!!! I don't see Brooklynn as being that big but oh well!!! At least she is on the chart unlike her brother... However, I must say Beau has lost 2 pounds in the last month and is only weighing 36lbs!!! I forgot how tall they measured him but he is ON the charts at 100% for weight:) he he first time in his life!! I am excited to be going into the Christmas week with no sick children, and I pray that it stays that way..
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!